Rodelberg Entertainment
Based in Königslutter am Elm, Germany
Release date:
May 5, 2023
Direct PC/Mac (boxed version)
Steam PC/Mac
Regular Price:
EUR | 19,95 |
USD | 19,99 |
GBP | 16,95 |
"Spiritless Ltd." is a weird story set in a monster occupied world, in which annoying ghosts are likely to be a part of your everyday world. Charles Stone is a ghostbuster working for Spiritless Ltd. and has Hank as his boss, who is barely capable of running the business. As a complaint about a malfunctioning ghost trap is delivered to the office, Hank sends out his best (and only) employee to repair the faulty machine in an old mansion in the outer borough. As soon as he arrives the trouble is about to begin.
- In the tradition of the old 2D-Point-and-Click Adventures
- Exciting story with spirited innuendoes
- All graphics hand-drawn
- Witty dialogues with freaky characters
- English interface and text
- Innovative and entertaining help system
Trailer YouTube
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About Rodelberg Entertainment
Rodelberg Entertainment is a joint project by Roland Wejner and Robin Bretschneider
and the realisation of their childhood dream of creating their own point-and-click
adventure game.
More information
More information on Rodelberg Entertainment, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Spiritless Ltd. Credits
Roland Wejner
Programming, Scripting, Audio
Robin Bretschneider
Programming, Scripting, Graphics
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks